Monday, February 25, 2013

Vacation in Sunny Hot Florida

We leave tomorrow. So sad. We've had a great time in Florida. Last year, a friend lent us a condo on the beach. This year, the condo was sold. Unfortunately, or should I say, fortunately, we only found out after buying our tickets to Tampa. Not to worry. Janet's sister, Dale and Sylvio, live nearby. We invited ourselves to live with them. That's how you determine true friends. 

We've had a wonderful time. They've been super hospitable, and overly generous. I feel indebted to them. Obviously, we've experienced some things we would not naturally be exposed to seeing there are to SDA's around. Let me explain: Dale and Syl live in a park in which they own shares. Approximately 400 people live in this park. A great number of them are Canadians. (For whatever reason, the Canadians seem to be the liveliest of the bunch.) Anyway, these Park Dwellers can think of any reason to have a party, something akin to our Leasa. Maybe coming from Minnesota has something to do with the party spirit. (She comes from very close to Canada.) 

Memorable to us will be the Karaoke night we experienced. I suppose you know what Karaoke is? I guess I had heard of Karaoke before, but never have I experienced the like. Bear in mind, the people have to be 55 years old to live in this park, and most are more like 70-90 years old. Here is how Karaoke works: They have all these music CD's, like hundreds and hundreds of songs. The music is all from the 50's-70's. Unfortunately for me, I knew most of the songs. I assume my Lover knew even more. Of the 60 or so people who were there, perhaps half participated in singing songs from the past using the original music. It's like doing special music using background music. Only the music was Country and Western, Rock and Beebop, folk etc . . .

It was all very entertaining, but not very Adventist. At least, I haven't met any Adventist who do that sort of thing. My sister-in-all was determined that I would sing. Oh me. She thought that because I preach it would be nothing for me to get up and sing in front of all these people. Now, don't think I wasn't tempted. Except that someone, Joe Stankavich, convinced me to sing a special once at church with him in South River, 30 years ago, and I performed so badly that I swore I'd never do that again--and I haven't. But I was tempted. I know all the songs and my feet know all the moves too. (Not to worry, I didn't.) 

Janet sang with her sister. I forget what. Finally, I sang with our table--a group of eight or so. You are My Sunshine, The Lion Sleeps tonight and Wake up Little Suzie. 

Some of those old buggers can really belt out a tune and made Elvis look old fashion. I guess he would be by now--big, fat and red eyed.  

We spent two and one half hours kayaking an alligator infested river. We saw four alligators. One was big.  We also kayaked the mangrove swamps. Lots of fun and lots of sun. Aquariums and museums and all else. It's been great. We even played Shuffle Board. Now I must get back down to reality and think of doing some work. With all the storms happening, it might be tricky getting home tomorrow.

Before coming to Florida, Eden Valley hosted the ASI Winter Boards. That, from my perspective, was as exciting as anything else. Necessarily, I cannot divulge what we decided on these boards, but that isn't the point of my writing. As you know, I am the new ASI President--well, it's been a year and a half already, but I still feel like the new kid on the block. Everyone else has years of exposure to the inner workings of the corporation. Consequently, I am always nervous about doing well, saying the right things, not appearing to be as ignorant as I feel etc. . . 

Can you imagine how much I pray about things like that? Wouldn't it be better if I was great at everything? Well, I'm not, but the Lord blessed me more than I expected. That is always such a pleasant surprise for me. I thank Him everyday from the bottom of my heart. 

Blessings to all.

Sea turtle at an aquarium.

Waterskiing show

Shark plus.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Droning On

Life drones on as far as having notable events to talk about. On the other hand, we are super busy around here (Eden Valley).

We started a school at the beginning of January called the Wellness Institute. Our ten students are the best. The oldest is 69 years old, and the youngest is in her early twenties. To boost our impact we've invited several speakers from far and near. The course lasts until the middle of June and includes training in doing (or participating in) an evangelistic effort, and doing public health evangelism. Learning hands-on massage and hydro therapies with all the natural remedies we can put into their repertoire. Lately, they've been doing a series of Cooking Classes in Loveland. Between 40 and 50 people are attending. We also are involving them in giving Bible studies and in-home health studies with coaching.

My dear wife is taking treatment for her neck from a NUCCA Chiropractor. Her diagnosis isn't encouraging. You've never seen a more damaged spine, but Dr. Jung thinks he can help her. She assumes that the car accident she had when she twisted the steering wheel like a pretzel must have been the precursor of all this damage. I'll try to keep you posted on her progress. Jason has his own issues with a neck problem. Maybe Dr. Jung can help him someday, if it works on Janet.

We've had a better than usual Winter as far as the Lifestyle Center is concerned. Colorado winters scare people, but this year (maybe it's Global Warming) we've seen just a little downturn. My wife works in the LSC. I am always amazed at her work ethic and savoir-faire. She makes a huge difference to the quality of the work when she is there. She's a keeper, and someday I will.

Janet is still looking for someone to take her project in Africa. So far, no luck, or should I say, no providence.

Next week, Eden Valley is hosting the ASI and Missions Inc boards, just for added stress. It is all very interesting, and I am honored to be part of the program, but still feel like a fish out of water. Robert Folkenber Jr. resigned from his post on the ASI board. He accepted a call to head the church in China. He is a good guy, and we wish him well.  Apparently, Gary Thurber is being tapped by the NAD to replace Robert on our board. Gary is our Conference President in Colorado. I sit on the Conference Committee with Gary and I consider him a great man. I hope the NAD Committee approves his choice.

After next week's boards, Janet and I will take the better part of a week to enjoy the Florida sun. Pray for us that it not be more pleasure than we can handle.

Lastly, Caleb broke a leg speed skating. (My grandson in the Yukon.) His career is on hold for this season. No doubt, he feels like it's a bummer, but God has a plan. "Often, our plans fail that God's plans for us may succeed."MH 473. Do you ever wish things had been different? Well, don't. God is working out your salvation in a dark, mysterious manner. All I know is, "the work He has begun, He will perform." Phil. 1:6.

So says the Preacher to his tribe.