Last month, we rec'd a patient at our Lifestyle Center from the McNeilus family. Weston is the son of Denzil's brother, Brandon. Weston was in a car accident when he was four years old. Apparently, he was left with brain damage. If there was brain damage, it wasn't to his intelligence. I can attest to that.
The boy, now a man of 20, is super intelligent, but more, he is super spiritual. A pastor Rood, from the Seventh-day Baptist church, in Dodge Center, tells me that when Weston recovered from the car accident he told of Jesus visiting him, and apparently he described the visit. The Pastor said Weston was never the same again. He was a constant witness.
Seven or so months ago, Weston contracted cancer. That is why he came to EVI. We did what we could for approximately a month. Weston and I studied the Bible together. Those were the times when he forgot his pain and became animated. Then we would talk. We became friends. It became apparent to everyone, however, that he wasn't going to make it. He went home to die. Before his death, he requested that I preach the sermon at his funeral -- a huge honor, not because I've been asked to preach, but because Weston thought that much of our friendship.
I am in Dodge Center now. I preach in two hours and twenty minutes. I will try to focus on the same themes Weston wrote about. Weston, who was deathly ill, would, without warning jump up and say, I have a writing. Somehow, he'd get these instant inspirations and run to his computer and write them down. He wasn't a great writer, but the things he wrote blew me away. They were so true, so deep, so applicable that it left me believing that God communicated thru' this dying boy. I will use Weston's writings as a springboard to my sermon this afternoon.
Tomorrow, I fly to Chattanooga where I will meet with Janet and Leasa for the OCI Retreat and board meetings. I preach tomorrow night to the OCI Princes and Dames. My sermon is prepared, but I will have little time to fix it in my brain.
Janet and I met with Leasa a week ago, or so. She called us to ask if I would consider staying at EVI till May 2011. It is hard, under any circumstance to say no to someone with a special and important (to them) request. What makes it a bit harder is that my wife truly believes I won't end up in Africa anyway. That may well be right if she keeps enforcing the thought in my brain. I am honestly preparing myself to go to Africa. However, God may have other plans, who knows. Stay tuned to this blog to see how this drama plays itself out.
Janet and I take a couple of hours to go swimming on Sundays lately. It is good exercise and something we can do together. We exercise in the gym afterward and then go out to eat. It makes for a pleasant day.
I spent a day getting firewood last week. I love getting firewood. It's hard on the arm I hurt five or six months ago, but so long as I can, I will do it.
That's it for now. Angie is taking in twins, Julie and her brood are playing in the snow, big time, and Antionette is telling us to make sure we bring our bathing suits to Africa. We are going swimming in lake Malawi. I've been waiting for years for that.
Garwin and Marilee McNeilus took me aside to tell me how spiritual, organize and competent my son is. Apparently, Garwin told Alan Knowles that Alan could take lessons from that guy. (Alan, more or less, trained Jason.) It's good to know that Jason takes after his good ole' . . . mom.
So much for what the Preacher has to say.