Monday, February 15, 2010

It's a Good Day!

It's been two weeks since I last posted anything. Sorry guys.

Yesterday, my lover (That's my wife, by the way) and I spent the day together. A pleasant time indeed. We swam at the recreation center for one hour, soaked in a jacuzzi, had lunch at Taco Bell, and spent the rest of the day shopping for Africa. That last part not as pleasant as the first. As Twalisa use to say, "me no".

My Inner Thoughts
I have a sense that people like an inner glimpse of a person's heart. So here is a look: I struggle with my immediate future. I've told everyone that I am transitioning out from EVI to Africa by Sept. To date, I haven't wavered, however, there are many who think it a mistake to bury myself on the Dark Continent. Markus Yaudas, OCI president, is excited about making me OCI Vice-president for Africa. Three others have talked about my going back to the OCI headquarters to work. The folks at EVI have there opinion about my staying put. These things have their influence, but not so much. My course is pretty well set. The only weak link in the chain is my dear wife. She says things that weaken my resolve, like, I really don't think you will end up in Africa. Or, I don't know that you'll thrive there. Yea, I don't know either, but I'll be glad to see the day come when it is all settled.

Our Lifestyle Session is closing on its last half week. Our guests are mostly cancer patients. Their need tears at my heart. After all, they've come to us for healing. We can't perform that for which they've come. Only God can. That's why we pray so much at EVI. Apparently, we've got eleven cancer patients coming next months, besides others (if there are others.) Eleven patients with cancer is a heavy load on my therapists. This month, most of my therapists are catching cold. They are all overworked. Nevertheless, we are blessed for having someone to serve.

Janet and I have been viewing various DVD's. One called, Healing Cancer from the Inside Out. Everyone should watch it. Another is The Future of Food. Dr. Cherne gave us one called The Fall of the Republic. In each case, each one is an exposure of the conspiracies by corporate moguls to control everything. Whether these people know what they are doing or not, they will end up destroying the little people. It's inevitable and scary.

All this stuff makes me mad. The only thing that keeps me from blowing a fuse is the fact that I believe God is in full control. He will not allow anyone to go one hair's breadth beyond what they should. I have no doubt that conspiracies are real, and on almost every level. Who will keep men from conniving? But connive as they will, God will direct the events to His end anyway. Our only hope is to "dwell in the secret place of the Most High." Ps. 91:1.

Should the American Sheep ever wake up to the governmental manipulations of their lives, there would be such a revolution as the world has never witnesses. I am afraid, however, that the people and comfortably asleep. Sleep well, poor sheep.

My faith is in God only. Will that be true when the crisis comes? It won't be if I don't meet every preparatory crisis in faith. Today, I am supported by wife, children, friends, church, government agencies and infrastructure, and society. I can buy, sell and barter. But, what happens when like Job every earthly support is cut off? DA 121. Will my supposed anchor hold? Oh, how many, even in the church, are going to meet the unexpected crisis unprepared.

I hope we can all see that when God allows us to experience a loss of any kind, it is in preparation for a time when we will lose it all. No matter, I see gain in the loss of all things. With God, every day is a good day, "tho' the earth be removed . . . Ps 46:1-

So says the Preacher to his tribe.


  1. Hi Dad, Thanks for the new post on your blog. Thanks also for the Healing Greens. We recieved them and Pat has been taking them for several days. She says she doesn't know if it is the greens or not but she's been feeling pretty wide eyed and bushy tailed lately. The kids love all the seseme snap candies too. Those are also some of Arts favourites too. Thanks so much and next time you see us we will be so healthy that you wont know us. LOL
    Love Julie

  2. We're off to Seattle to see the kids again. Praying for sunshine on that side of the mountains like we have here! It's SPRING!!

  3. miss hearing form you Frank and always enjoy your insights - hi Janet - we have begun Great Controversy readings on friday nights with those in our area to have a vesper type evening - monique and andy participate too - its fun
