Sunday, November 21, 2010

Good Trip So Far

I'm sitting in my nephew, Allan's, living room. The sky is as gray as I remember it being in northern Canada at this time of year. There is snow on the ground and the wind is howling like it was mid January. Actually, Allan's home is not in Canada at all, but it is as far north as it can get and not be in Canada. Americans this close to Canada are really Canadians at heart. They even say "eh" and act like Eskimos in caucasian disguises.

I drove from Colorado so that I wouldn't have to rent a car at this end. I intend to visit some family members after I am finished with the Revival meetings. I drove one thousand miles the first day and finished off with five hundred miles the last day. Piece-o-cake. I listened to two very good audio books. One on Winston Churchill, excellent. And one on Deepthroat, the man who leaked the truth about Watergate to Bob Woodward, the reporter. That book was excellent, as well.

I preached the first of five sermons, yesterday. It seemed to be well rec'd.

Allan and his cutie, Bonnie, are very hospitable. Their three girls, Jesse, Mac, for Macayla, and Elaina, are wonderfully sweet, well behaved and very social. The oldest, Jesse, is great at checkers, but when she comes close to winning, she backs off and lets her adversary win. She can't stand to offend. I love it. Everyone should be so loving.

I'll be moving over to Anne and Nelson's place on Tuesday. We had a nice visit yesterday, but with too many others. All is well. If winter doesn't ramp up too quickly, I should be home safely in two weeks. Till next time.


  1. have a great visit and please say hello to Anne and Nelson - take care and travel safely

  2. It's been a week.... just so you know. :-)

    We think it's time for an update.
