Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Joking or Sense of Humor?

I did something different for a change. Leonard and I installed a laminated floor in David and Candi Katsma's dining room and living room today. It's always a blessing to be able to do something practical. You can see where you've started and when it is finished you can take some satisfaction in a job well done.

I also preached today. This sermon, on the a long standing controversy, but every time I used a Bible verse or a SOP quotation to show how the "liberals" defend their position, my "conservative" staff couldn't help but jump into the fray as if they had to show why the other people's arguments are not sound. We got through the talk unscathed, I think. On the positive side, I find it a good idea sometimes to stimulate my staff with something controversial. At least I know they are alive.

The LIGHT school is into its third week. Our girls, Brianna and Dakota seem to be enjoying their stay with us. Sweet little Brianna is full of energy. I never realized. Between every class she runs around the building five times. The others just look at her and shake their heads. Instead of walking to school, she runs to school. I do a one-hour exercise class for my staff three days per week. She is right there, pumping iron like the best of them. Then she uses my weights when things get boring. When the kids go tobogganing, she is right there. One of our boys has a two-wheel skateboard. She mastered that in no time flat, and while waiting for lunch she was skating up and down the halls and all around the dining tables with the greatest of ease. All that, while fighting a mysterious ailment of sore muscles. Brent, our expert herbalist, has her on a powerful potion. It about curls your hair to drink it, but she does.

3ABN called me this week. Besides the little business they had about something unimportant, they asked me to do some TV programs with Shelley Quinn. Oh me, I've been trying to avoid that. I wouldn't mind doing the Prodigal Son or something, but talking heads seem so difficult for some reason. Anyway, I agreed to do it. We should start filming in 2012. So don't hold your breadth. Maybe I'll have a heart attack between now and then. What a relief that would be.

One of my staff asked if I would do a sermon on jesting and joking. I think she is trying to tell me something. Nah! Can't be. Well, maybe. If I didn't have a sense of humor, I'd be dead, I think. Can someone tell me where the balance is? Joking, bad??? Sense of humor, good??? When does a sense of humor become unacceptable jesting? I'd welcome any advice.


  1. A sense of humour is a necesity. (don't know how to spell) Anyway Even God had a sense of humour. Just look at some of the animals he's made and He has also played some jokes. Look what he did to Assyrian army when they were looking for Elijah. Then he fed them and smiled and told them to go home and behave themselves.

  2. Hi Frank - the joking/jesting question is one that's challenged me, too, because of the type of sense of humour that I have :) I found an online definition of "folly" that says it's "the trait of acting stupid or rashly" which I think is pretty good.

    I find that humour has proliferated immenseley in the 20 or so adult-years that I've lived - there are so many more 'jokers' around today. TV and commercials are all about jokes. I think it's obvious then that laughing at foolishness is something of a gratification of the flesh or we wouldn't over-indulge in it the way we do. From that perspective we need to guard ourselves in some way. But how?
    A fundamental element of humour is the unexpected or even the absurd. Most jokes or foolishness today are folks acting either oblivious to something very obvious (self-absorbed) or acting overly offended or annoyed at someone else's actions (includes sarcastic humour, I think).

    I think the distinction may be in whether or not the funny occurrence is genuine or acted. I.e. a 'fool' acts like he's stupid or rash and the surprise makes us laugh; that's the purpose of the 'joker'. When humour is wholesome, I think the element of surprise is genuinely unexpected by everyone, including the person 'making' the joke.

    I also think the context of the joke/jest is relevant to it's 'appropriateness'. Some church sermons start with something like a standup comedy routine which really impacts the spiritual atmosphere in which the message can be received; humour in a sermone is not bad, per se, but it can be overdone for sure. But where we've lost a great deal of self-control as a people, it's hard to resist getting a laugh out of a crowd, even on Sabbath morning.

    What can be an innocent and proper joke with a spouse may not be appropriate with a friend, etc.

    In some translations of the Bible, the 'fruits of the flesh' include 'foolishness', which I take to be acting like a fool.

    A bit of a ramble here but the joking/jesting bit is a timely question for me. I'd love to hear what you end up with for your talk.
    God bless!
    JP Duchesne, SSMarie
