Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I am in Chernovtz, Ukraine, speaking to Amazing Facts College of Evangelism students. The adventure is great, but as usual, I'd as soon be home. On Monday, the students and I, plus several others, made our way to the wilderness where we had a picnic. Great fun! We played soccer for too many hours. Everybody is limping around like crippled old men, me especially, since I am an old man to begin with. Never mind, I can still run with the youngest of them. I can't boast to being a great footballer, however.

I've got two more days of speaking, and then I'm off to Romania for the OCI Retreat. That should prove to be more relaxing, I think. I do have one assignment there, one sermon to preach that I am not ready for. That is always troubling to me. What is more troubling is that I am not as concerned as I should be. I can't figure out what to talk about and I'm cool. That's out of character for me, but hey, I'm dependent on the Lord, and if He chooses to give me the talk later rather than sooner, who am I to complain, or fret?

My wife is in Africa with two of our grand-children. The real adventure begins. What fun it would be to be there. I guess I can't be everywhere.

I haven't rec'd any news since I left America except that Bin Laden was killed. Is that true? Or is that some kind of hoax? In the end, who cares. You can't trust anyone in politics and media these days.

I'm off to breakfast. Talk to you later.

1 comment:

  1. Bin Laden might be dead. Looks like it.

    Tony Chambers was shot dead on Sabbath, and that is true. Bystander in a domestic dispute... SAD.

    Enjoy the traveling. . . some of us would love to trade places :-)
