Sunday, September 29, 2013

Through the Jet Lag Fog

As you have heard, Colorado is devastated with floods. 19,000 homes damaged. More evacuees than Katrina, but the total death count was only eight. In 1976, a flash flood through our canyon killed 146. Many people were stranded up in the mountains without any way to communicate with the outside world, and there are no roads to come down on. I haven't heard more on that. I know that John Roeske has been walking people out from Storm Mountain, a six hour trek one way. There is 17 miles of road gone between the Damn Store and Estes Park. They say it will take a year to repair the damage on that road alone. Boulder and Lyons are in much worse state. 

Eden Valley was without natural gas, or internet for nearly one week after I came home. We had to give our lifestyle guests some money back because we couldn't give them fever therapy. We had no natural gas to heat the water. We were able to give them Russian steam baths and fomentations.

When my lover returned to her mission, one month ago, she, as often happens, couldn't find the money she had hidden--$10,000. She usually gets pretty frantic when she does that. Also, she usually finds it by and by. This time she didn't find it for three weeks. There was one place where she hadn't looked, but she hesitated to look there for fear of being disappointed, again. Finally, she made herself do it. The money was there. I told her that next time she needed to make herself a note and hide it, then another note stating where she had hidden the first note, then she could tell me and I would tell her when she returned. 

Last weekend, I had an appointment in Kentucky to do some revival meetings. I missed my flight in Denver. I was sure my flight was at 12:00 PM, but it turned out to be  at 9:25 AM. Maybe it was good. I got to do the devotion for the Lifestyle guests, which was very good for them, I think. And I got to talk with one of our staff we are trying to help with an addiction. 

David and Candi Katsma asked to store stuff in one of our storage sheds for when they go to Kibidula to work. We gave them permission with the stipulation that they know that they belong to us and are only on loan to Kibidula. Apparently, that made David happy.

Praise God, I travel no further than DayStar until November. I am so ready to stay home. It is hard to live with a chronic case of jet lag. 

I finished a series of four sermons in Kentucky. The Lord continues to bless my feeble efforts. I was worried. I've had it rough with almost chronic jet lag for the past two months, then when I flew over to Kentucky, my flights were delayed over and over in Chicago, at last, my flight  was cancelled altogether, they said on account of lightning. That didn't leave me with much time to prepare, yet I spoke once Friday night and three times back to back on Sabbath. I thought I would be unprepared, but the Lord gives me grace and I preached with power. 

On my way home from Kentucky, my flight was delayed again and I didn't get home till 12:30 AM. Flying is disgusting these days. 

The sermons I preached where effective and they want me to come back next year.  We'll see. I really don't want to travel as much next year as I have this year. 

At the Rocky Mountain Conference Executive Committee this week, the president spoke of the devotion I gave at the ASI board meeting and asked if I would share it with his Executive Committee at our next meeting. I will. It's an honor.

This morning I finished writing an article for the OCI magazine. I did a little religious blurb on Facebook, also. I've probably had 10 people respond already. I washed windows at the church. (Convention weekend coming.) Our head Deacon and I repaired the church roof in several places. Then I made myself some lunch--tofu and toast..

This week, I started Bible studies with  three guys at EVI, two students and a staff. I'm enjoying that. I hope these guys will stay with me through the whole series. 

Blessings to all


  1. "Religious blurb" - that's so funny! Let's see how many more comments you will get Frank. Maybe up to 100 or so (would still be less than 10% of your Facebook audience).

  2. O yes, and I'm really sorry about the drama in Colorado. We are so privileged here in Europe.
