Sunday, February 15, 2009

Miserably Comforters Are We

I'm intrigued with human nature. If studied carefully, we can read much in the way people treat one another. 

I've noticed that if we are very tender, heart to heart, toward someone who is hurting, we tend to be sympathetic and comforting, we point to the positive and try to build them up. But if we are not so solicitous, if we are to any degree competitive or on edge with each other, we tend to want to want to straighten the other person out. That isn't always wrong. People need to know when they are their own worst enemy, but we dare not try to straighten up our friends until we've demonstrated a love so deep that they don't misinterpret our actions. 

This is what happened to Job. His three friends were friends, at least initially. They came because he was suffering. They fasted and said not one word for a long time, but it turns out they were not in heart tender toward Job. Comforting and building him up was not what they ended up doing. It's as if they finally found an opportunity to cut Job down to size. 

"I have heard many such things," said Job, "miserable comforters are you all." Job 16:1-2 He reiterates that he himself would not be as they are. "I would strengthen you with my mouth, and the moving of my lips should assuage your grief." verse 5. Then, in verse 21 Job lets his real desire pour out of his heart, "O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleads for his friend." 

It is something to watch in our own lives. What kind of comforters are we? At what point is it edifying to point out the problems in another person's life. 

All is well. Janet and I shared the limelight in Copper Mountain yesterday. I preached for ten minutes and she showed her powerpoint presentation. The people gave her $300. We were blessed. 

I enjoyed Jason's blog this week. He had great pictures of his family and the elephant video was amazing. (Check it out.) Julie's mukluks and valentine gathering, and Angie's dress project were a great read also. 

Next week we are planning a week-long work bee on the big greenhouse in EVI. It will be fun to get out of the office for a change. Darrell and Maria Atwood spent the weekend with us. Darrell found a sweet, sweet little Philippino lady for a wife. We had a pleasant time. 

Janet started working at Kevin and Debbie Hogfeldt's house last week. They paid her over $200 for two days of house cleaning. Apparently, she can go to work every day if she wants. I can't imagine the house getting very dirty every day. In any case, they are being a tremendous blessing to us, as well as to EVI. (Kevin is on the board and Executive Committee. No one puts in more time at EVI than Kevin does being off campus. Barbara Taylor being the other one who works her heart out for us.)

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