Friday, October 30, 2009

Evidence of God

Permit me to introduce Ms. Leasa Hodges, our new Business Manager. The young man standing beside her is her son, Nicolas. I really appreciate watching Leasa operate in her new capacity. She means business . . . sweetly. As far as I can tell, she has all the talents that I lack. Eden Valley should be a totally different place in a year from now. I praise God all day long . . . for now anyway.

I can say that I am experiencing less stress. Is it because I am praying more, or because Leasa is shouldering part of the load? Has Leasa come because I am praying more? Is she the solution to my transition? (I dare not say it to loudly.) In any case, I don't intend to let up praying. The more I pray, the more security I experience.

Not much is happening:
We've had a big snowfall this week and it's been winter cold. This morning it was 20 degrees Fahrenheit (Minus 6.6 degrees Celcius). This Sunday, we start a new Lifestyle session. Apparently, we have a full house. At least one person will be housed in my home. I'm so thankful for that. Winter is usually our slow time. Who knows what will happen after November. We trust.

Yesterday, I called Olga Martinemko, my little Russian translator and friend. She is dying of cancer at 35 years of age. Last month, I raised money and sent Dr. Oden from Ooltewah to Ukraine to minister to Olga. I believe Dr. Oden ministered to her wonderfully. Some people were worried about Olga's faith and spirituality. There is certainly nothing to worry about now, as far as I can tell. Yesterday's conversation was filled with praises to God, sweet submission to His will, and talk of meeting in heaven. She was so filled with life that it was hard to picture her as dying.

Here you have a beautiful, young woman, built like a starlet, who worked hard establishing mission schools for Christ in Russia, Ukraine and some of the Stans. Now, the rug is pulled out from under her. Her work, her life, her beauty, her youth, her body--everything is apparently destroyed. If she lets the Devil have a say, he'll postulate that God is rejecting her service for Him, as well. But praise God, she's defeating the Devil. There is no evidence of bitterness, despair, anger, or discouragement. She sees glory and expresses sweet surrender and love. Tell me, if there be skeptics among us, that there is no grace, no God, no hope.

I am so positively influenced, I could shout it from the mountain tops.

There are so many complaining, bitter people around. You'd think there is no God.

-Some 200 years ago, Madame Guyon, spent ten years in a dungeon.

-She was far below the surface of the ground.

-The only light she saw was of a candle at meal times.

-Now, think with me for a moment, what would you have said to God if you had been in a dark dungeon for ten years?

-What would your attitude be towards His providencial watchcare?

Here is what she wrote:

"A little bird I am, Shut from the fields of air;

Yet in my cage I sit and sing, To Him who placed me there;

Well pleased a prisoner to be,

Because, my God, it pleases Thee.

Nought have I else to do, I sing the whole day long;

And He whom most I love to please, Doth listen to my song;

He caught and bound my wandering wing

But still He bends to hear me sing.

My cage confines me round; Abroad I cannot fly;

But though my wing is closely bound,

My heart's at liberty.

My prison walls cannot control,

The flight, the freedom of the soul.

Ah! It is good to soar

These bolts and bars above.

To Him whose purpose I adore,

Whose Providence I love;

And in Thy mighty will to find,

The joy, the freedom of the mind."

The Preacher to his tribe.


  1. Dad, we recieved your package. Thank you very much! I'm on the mend so far. Still really tight in the chest and not much get up and go but still kicking. Ziggy is not doing very well. He was better but has gone down hill again. Please pray for him!
    thanks again Dad,

  2. It's been two weeks, dad! TIme for a blog update!!!!
