We had wonderful weather last week--up to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. It was balmy. My wife and her side-kick, Deniece, did a wonderful job mapping out where we will build the new houses. They are forever planning and organizing. We couldn't do it without them. Saturday night, Earle Bearce called me. I forget what he wanted, but my wife asked to talk to his wife about joining her in Africa. If Carol and Earle were there, I think it would free Janet up considerably.
The LIGHT School is in full swing. We have eleven students for the month, including Brianna, our granddaughter, and her friend Dakota Tall. It is such a blessing for us to have them in our home. Love it. Brianna is something else. For all the pains she is apparently suffering, she runs everywhere, she exercises all the time, she amazes me. When Jason and I went to visit them in Washington, last August. Brianna was a lifeguard (as is Vanessa). Brianna, big as a peanut, can hold a double-sized brick in the deep end of the swimming pool with both hands and stays afloat for two minutes. Try it sometime. It's torture. You wouldn't know anything hurts for all the activity in that little girl.
There was an accident at EVI, last week. A couple of kids, 18 years old, drove onto the campus. The girl was driving. On the way out, she was driving too fast going around a corner and lost control. She over corrected and left the road at almost a ninety degree angle. She drove between two trees, which if she had hit one might have been fatal. She drove through a field, and jumped a creek (about ten feet embankment) and landed on the other side facing the way she had been coming. The kids showed up at my house full of mud and a little blood on her face. We called their parents and the police. Everybody was amazed that they had no greater injuries. It would not have been good had either one been killed. One or two of us pointed out to the parents that these kids had guardian angels. They were all very polite and grateful that we took the kids in and helped them.
The weather is taking a turn for the worse. Zero Fahrenheit tomorrow for a high, 20 below for the low.
Don't forget we live during the Anti-typical day of Atonement. Do you know what Jesus is doing in the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary. He is purifying to Himself a people--the 144,000. Will you be among them?