Sunday, August 21, 2011

Second Chance

Five couples from Eden Valley are spending a weekend in Silverthorne, Colorado-the Roeskes, the Hueys, the Katsmas, the Bates and the Fourniers. We just decided to get away. The house we are living in is a palace, actually, it is more like a wildlife museum--amazing--their are stuffed animals everywhere and the furniture is unique to Colorado. The folks who live here, Randy and Sandy Bright use the place to teach people about nature and animal biology.

We are not doing too much. We went to church at the Copper Mountain Chapel yesterday. That was good. After lunch, we rode a ski-lift up to the top of the mountain. After Sabbath, we played games and just sat around. This morning we cleaned up and watched one of those Christian movies called The Note. Made me cry for one and one half hours. I hate tear jerkers, don't you? I think my wife is watching it all over again--a gluten for punishment, or is that glutton? In any case, if you need to clean your eyes watch The Note.

The movie might have been called Second Chance. It struck me.
(You know, artists are generally know to be melancholy. Strong emotional feelings drive strong responses. A writer definitely writes better when his mood is either very high, or more likely very low.)
I'm not saying that I am an artist. As a matter of fact, I think I am anything but melancholic. But like I said, the movie struck me. It was about a note that washes up on shore written by a passenger on an ill fated jetliner. The note is to "T". A lady who writes a column for a magazine finds the note and tries to find "T". It appears that everyone who sees the note is inspired to a second chance.

A few years ago (as I've said before) I was sunk. It just came clear to me. God gave me a second chance. He should have cast me aside. It is only of grace that He keeps bestowing honors upon me. Go figure.

So says the Preacher to his Tribe.

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