Wednesday, September 21, 2011

From West to East

Today I've got to pack. I leave for Minnesota tomorrow early. The ASI Executive Committee is meeting for our annual fall retreat. Being the new president, I am expected to lead the pack into new territory, i.e. the new theme for the next two years and the wherewithal to implement the new theme. I am also expected to lead out in morning and evening devotions plus speak at the 11 o'clock service on Sabbath morning. And with that I will chair the board and act presidential. So far, no one's asked me to make lunch and sing special music. If they did, I would make rolled oats and sing "When the Moon Hits your Eyes Like a Big Pizza Pie, That's amore." So would go the rest of the meetings.

Actually, I expect the Lord to lead and to give us a blessing. (You may pray for yours truly anyway.)

Last weekend, five of us from EVI boarded a plane and flew to Las Vegas (Sin City.) Our mission was to train church members from various churches to do health work in preparation for the big evangelistic effort scheduled for next spring. The big effort was called "Babylon Rising." I say "was" because somebody--John Bradshaw--decided to rename it. The new name is so tame that I can't remember it. Anyway, we did our thing (rallying sermons, health talks, health expo, and cooking classes) and the Lord blessed abundantly.

During the same weekend, Las Vegas hosted the Mr. Olympia bodybuilding contests. There was muscle every where. These self-centered gorillas are driven to show as much skin as possible. Why else take steroids, and look like a cartoon character? The problem, however, is that bodybuilding has grown to include woman, if that is what you'd call those creatures. They look like tall midgets--everything exaggerated.

Through it all, the Lord keeps supplying my poor brain with something to say for Him. I'm impressed and truly thankful. His biddings are enablings.

Love to all.


  1. Amen to your last sentence Frank!

  2. Glad they stuck to asking you to do things you know how to accomplish. They can ask the girls if they need special music next time. They are enjoying the voice lessons and instruction here in Beaverton. Angela
