Thursday, May 27, 2010


Did you check out Julie's blog? All she did was put her fingers on the keys and voila, presto. Isn't that easy? It will work for you too.

Well, today was an uneventful day. I ran to Denver to get a fender and bumper for my car. We had a short Executive Committee this morning. We made one tough decision. Sorry, I can't tell you what it is. I've been trying to write or edit some articles for my next Faith Venture magazine. The weather is in the mid 70's and all is well. I wanted to call my wife today, but our land lines are down. I hope to do it tomorrow.

I have to run to DayStar Academy this weekend. It is Graduation time and with that we have a Board Meeting. Things are in a crisis over there. They have no way to make enough money to run an academy. The old team is burnt out and the new leader, Chris Andersen, in suppose to move in this summer. Last week, before moving in, he resigned. The situation seems hopeless. It is hopeless, but apparently, the Lord spoke to him and convinced him to accept the position anyway. Poor guy. It's a good way to become very humble. My heart goes out to him.

The next weekend, Sunday to be precise, I'll leave for 3ABN. I will record three half hour TV programs with Shelley Quinn. The title of the show is Issues and Answers. I am suppose to introduce an issue and we discuss it. I assume I must have the answer, as well. Stress! I'm a glutton (or is that gluten) for overwrought nerves. Ah well. It will either be good, very good, excellent or lousy. My trust is in God. Pray for me.


  1. praying.

    Just, please return the favor - before I have a temper tantrum and put Missy in her place but for good. LOL... well, I'm cool and composed mostly... I'm not fighting her. Just staying extra solid firm. Whenever she tries to take an inch I shorten the tether :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing about your life Frank, and good you made it back from Asia. Please let me know when this program on 3ABN will be aired! I've also been watching the ASI videomagazine, but no contribution from Tanzania so far. When is that going to happen? May the Lord soothe your nerves ;-)
