Monday, January 5, 2009

Relationships are Important

It is frustrating to work all day long and accomplish nothing. My job isn't like building a house or planting a garden. I can't look back to see what I have done. It isn't that I don't set out to accomplish something, it's just that I have a relational temperament. I can't turn people away, they are all too important to me.

What is interesting, however, is that, in the end, I usually finish what needs to be finished on time. It's like, God knows what He wants from me and in spite of all the interruptions I always meet the deadlines. It's a miracle. I can't call it anything else. So, the bottom line is: my frustrations are ill-founded. It's just another chink in my armor, another weakness that needs to be shored up. It also shows that relations are important to God. We need to be able to give ourselves to others -- for their happiness. 

On the home front, my wife cooked an amazing meal today. Subs filled with stir fried veggies mixed with vegetarian duck. A potato salad with sides of carrot and celery sticks.   Amazing. I couldn't have eaten better anywhere. I wish you all could have shared in this feast. Besides, she made twice as much as we needed. I think it has to do with feeling deprived for so long on the dark Continent. I'm blessed. She wakes me up at 3 AM. She can't sleep anymore and so I can't either. And, we eat breakfast at 5 AM. Small concession, we call it quality time. Relationships are important.  

Till next time, The Preacher

1 comment:

  1. i think understanding others and meeting others needs is not an easy task - at the end of a day all we have is each other - individuals made the way God wants us made - one thing i have learned is how genuine individuals who are developmentally handicap are so frank - they cannot be anything else. Now not all people who are D.H. are perfect but simplicity is present.
    Anyways, keep on writing Frank - Janet - maybe you can blog your experiences too! Just thinking .....i know how you like to write.

