Monday, September 13, 2010

Conference President, Imagine.

Something exciting has just happened. My brother John, the cute one in the family, Pastor in New Brunswick, was elected to the post of Conference President of the Maritimes Provinces. I spent an hour on the phone with Auntie Janice, yesterday. They are blown away. It isn't anything they expected and, I must say, it sounds like they are a bit intimidated. Surely, I would be if I was in their shoes. I'm proud of my little brother (though he is bigger than I.) God makes no mistakes. He can put a man with only a grade 10 education if He chooses to. Now I'm eager to visit them. I've never stayed in a Conference President's house before.

Michelle will be here on the 16th of Sept. I'm excited about the time I'm to have with them.

I expressed last time that we had a difficult group in our lifestyle center this time. Well, last night I had to take a man away from his bedroom and put him in our former Assisted Living facility. This morning, I put him on a flight home. He was revealing himself to some of our lady lifestyle guests, besides other gross behavior. I hated to have to send him home, but for the sake of the other guests, I had to do something. He was making progress health wise, and might have been one who would have recovered nicely. Too bad. A few minutes ago, his pastor called me, quite angry. he tried to tell me I didn't give the guy a fair hearing. Truth is, I spoke to several other lifestyle guests, and the verified his gross behavior. That was enough for me.

You probably all have read about the fires in Boulder, CO. Yesterday, a fire started just 10 or 15 miles from Eden Valley. It is 10% contained as of this morning. If it comes our way, we could be in trouble. They lost approximately 170 houses in Boulder and the Loveland fire has burned two, so far.

I have a friend in Christchurch, New Zealand, who is living with the after shocks of the 7.1 earthquake they had last week. She says the cracks in her house are getting bigger and bigger with each tremor. If you ask me, I know, you didn't ask, but if you did, I am ready to believe that we've entered into the end game. Brace yourselves, Jesus is making His presence known.

So says the Preacher to his tribe.

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