Tuesday, June 23, 2009


They tell me I don't spell so good. I really ought to re-read what I write. I apologize for the course language in one of my last blogs. It wasn't intentional, but is sure made some people laugh. 

I'm trying to write more often, but life isn't alw
ays super exciting. Right now, I have the Emmerson family living with me. They are a blast. (Angie, Mrs. Emmerson thinks she was your teacher at Weimar. Her name is Oleta.) The kids are wonderful. They are shopping for violin teachers and f
or a house. I hope they choose to stay.

I've got a garden. Well, I didn't plant a garden, one of the Agri students planted a garden for me and I get to eat out of it. 

And just for you girls I took 
a picture of flowers. I am experimenting with my camera. I am electronically challenged. Good thing I don't have an 
electric tooth brush.


  1. Oleta was my massage teacher at Weimar. She was my absolute favorite teacher. Her teaching style totally clicked with my learning style! I had her kids in my classes at ASI some years. We had heard she was very, very seriously ill with cancer a couple of years ago. Si hi to her for me.

    You are getting better and better with the blogging technology. Keep practicing ;-) I don't know if you noticed, but if you are signed into you blog and you view your page, you will see these little pencils at the bottom of each entry. You can click on those and you can edit your entry easily. You can add more to it, or fix spelling errors, etc...

    NIce cactus!
