Thursday, June 4, 2009

Trust Fun

I'm in Loma Linda. It is like paradise here at this time of year. The trees, flowers, and mansions are amazing. No wonder so many people gravitate this way. I sense, however, that there is a trap in it. The wealth, the affluence, and the prestige is attractive but detracts from what is truly important in life. These things are blinding to a heart that is "Deceptive above all things and desperately wicked.  All that aside,  I came to Loma Linda for a purpose. 

The Director of Trust Services for 3ABN, Leonard and Rita Westphal, came to EVI for a Lifestyle session last month. He no soon got to EVI that he began talking to me about starting a Trust Service for Eden Valley. As a result, I am here visiting them in their beautiful mansion. They have bombarded me with information, much of it is overwhelming to my little brain. Nevertheless, I can see the possibilities. My nature resists launching out into a venture that is not my forte. If I had the right person, and if I could let him or her go into it. It could become a wonderful blessing to us, but dare I think to do it myself? I feel bad. Should I go home and do nothing about the Trust Fund business? It seems to me to be a lost opportunity. I must pray much about this.

I am surrounded with much that is frustrating. I need a doctor and I have people pressuring me to get one yesterday, two is preferable. The insinuation is that I am not trying hard enough to find a doctor, or to find the therapists we need. We have given Dr. David Emmerson an official call, but he is very cautious not to move where God would not have him move. At the same time, I have Dr. Karla Garcia, a Pediatrician at EVI, but she knows little about natural remedies. She could learn easily I assume, but she works in town and has four children. Emmerson would be better, I think. Should I ask Karla to move before I know that Emmerson will make a committment? Or, should I go with Karla Garcia and not risk losing both? Lord, I need guidance.

On another front: I am almost ready to close our Assisted Living Center. It is losing money and the competition is too much for us. I have pressure from some to close it, and from others to give it till late September, at Board time. Throw in the people on campus who try to undermine each other through accusatory e-mails and false rumors, and it is enough to discourage the angels. People don't seem to realize that envy, faultfinding, undermining, and backstabbing, bring with it a curse that is spread to all of us.

This leaves me at once fascinated and frustrated. God says that, "In every difficulty He has His way prepared to bring relief." DA 330 I dare not become so discouraged that I will quit just before God works a mighty miracle. I believe He will. I just can't imagine why He wouldn't, but in the meantime, I feel like I am a nut in a blender trying to avoid the blades. 

So, here I am in Loma Linda filling my brain with legal matters. I don't know if I should try to surround this business or not, but I do know that God allowed me to see this opportunity, and I mustn't sell the possibility short.

The rest of week was much as it always is. I preached last Sabbath, "Don't Aim at Success." That sermon is like a fire burning in my heart. The principle is so powerful. I sent it to the Cashmere Church. They will put it on-line. You can download it from there if you are interested. 

On Sunday, I mowed lawns, fixed two toilets and soaked my feet in water charged by a machine that is supposed to draw the impurities from your system. There is nothing added to the water. There is an electronic gismo put in the water with your feet. There appears to be no reason why anything should happen to the water, but my water turned orange, green, brown and black until it was like sludge. Where that stuff came from is a mystery. Either it works marvelously, or someone has figured out a way to fool me, big time. In any case, it didn't cost anything so I didn't lose anything. Perhaps I'll take a few more treatments to see what happens.

One Monday I was on a conference call with the Oak Haven board. Even they have terrible difficulties  to deal with. I believe God is preparing Himself a special Remnant. 

Till next time... the Preacher to his tribe.

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