Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Let God be God

I'm home. I left the board meeting at Oak Haven at 7:30 PM on Sunday night. The board was almost over, and I wanted to get past Chicago before morning. Oh Chicago! What a traffic mess that is. In any case, I did get two hundred miles behind me that night and that left me only 1,000 to go. I got home at 7:30 PM, last night. The trip was good. I listened to three Audio Books--tho' nothing to write home about.

The Polish couple had given me a CD of Chopin's music. I listened to it several times. Very good.

The board was not an easy one. Three years in a row, not easy. The leaders of Oak Haven are the best in many respects. I don't know anyone who would succeed better on the business side of things. But there are always relational struggles. We can't know for certain where the blame lies, but we've asked Steven Graviner to sit with the leadership circle of Oak Haven and give them some counseling/coaching. I'm very sure he will be able to help them tremendously.

All is not well at EVI. My farm manager, Bill, is hospitalized. The left ventricle of his heart quit working, or works less. It may be serious, or not be serious. We await the results of the tests they will do tomorrow. The doctors call it heart failure. It seems a little overstated, I hope. Please pray with us for Bill Bosko.

I look forward to going to ASI with Jason. He arrives next Monday. We'll take off from the airport toward Orlando immediately. It's going to be a grueling trip, but we should manage some quality time, don't you think? Unless, of course, one or the other will be sleeping all the time.

Do you know that God lives outside of space and time? Space and time were created to accommodate His creation. Therefore, as Creator, He automatically is outside of His creation. Wouldn't it be interesting to get a glimpse of the dimension God lives in? I bet it would blow us away. No space, no time, no material. God needs no things. Things were created to support us. God lives during every era of time simultaneously. That is why Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I Am." Only God can say, I Am, at all times. That is why He knows the end from the beginning. Why would we ever want to tell God how to solve our problems, when He is living during the time that the solution is or will be applied. He knows, absolutely what is best. So, let us let God be God.

So says the Preacher to his Tribe.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you made it back safe and sound. This doesn't sound good concerning Bill. I'm praying for him. Interesting thoughts about the dimension of God - I have to let that sink though :-)
