Friday, June 11, 2010

On to the Next Thing

I'm blessed. No matter how hectic the situation, I always get through it with God's help. Funerals need organizational skills that I may or may not have. My problem is, my wife is perfectly endowed with said skills. Whenever I need something organized, she is there to do it for me. Not so this time. I took it on, however, and all went well. (I worked all day long every day for five days. I would never believe anyone else who told me it took that much organization to pull off a funeral.)

Many people attended. I believe the Holy Spirit gave me a strong sermon. I spent half the sermon comforting the bereaved and half the sermon teaching the many non-SDA about the state of the dead. My little secretary bought the casket. It was amazingly good looking. All metal, white, with gold handles. I had told the funeral people that Brittany's mother was very poor and that she couldn't afford any frills. We paid $450 for the casket and another $457 for everything else they did for us. (I hope I am not repeating myself.)

In any case, the Pastor and I shared the service. I did the church service. He did the graveside address. All went well.

Tomorrow I preach in Copper Mountain. Brent Waggoner is coming with me.

1 comment:

  1. hi Frank - i have been reading allot lately and when i read the last few writings i began to pray for you - you have so many talents that you have shared with so many people in your life and most of all your children and grand children are walking in your shoes - sort of....i had a rough week myself - a client passed away suddenly; another needed emergency surgery and then another has been diagnosed with a rapid growing brain tumor..... add these distractions to the regular ins and outs of work .......i have had a chance to witness to their family and as well to the rest of my "clients". On a cheery note i have a client whom is celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary this weekend - it is beautiful to see as with people who are developmentally handicap have allot of thing against them let alone staying married for so many years. I am proud of them both. Anyway Frank - i thank you for your guidance that you gave me as a youngster and today i can share with others - i do have a big news - my mom is reading "The Great Controversy."
    Pray for her as she reads and she asked me to get her a new bible and i did for mothers day - she had the one you gave me when i began to study with you ...
    take care
