Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tragedy at Eden Valley

I've cancelled my 3ABN assignment. I have yet to call them to let them know.

I was preaching at the Estes Park Church today. The Lord blessed in a mighty way. After potluck, I rec'd a phone call. Bill told me that Brittany Schult and Sylvia were walking their dogs on the canal road after lunch. Brit's dog jumped into the full canal. She tried to help the dog out of the canal and fell in. The dog got out of the canal easily, but Brittany couldn't get out. She told Sylvia to put the leach on the dog and throw the dog back in. I think she was hoping that the dog could help pull her out. Sylvia did as she was told but, the dog just came back out.

Sylvia ran to Brit's mother's house and told her mother. I assume the mother called Bill and he rushed over to the canal, but couldn't find any trace of her. They called 911, and the police, EMTs and divers worked all afternoon trying to find her. The divers couldn't do anything in the canal because the current is too strong. They resorted to closing the flow in the canal to reduce the current.

I arrived late in the afternoon. Cindy was pretty sure her daughter was gone, but she held up pretty well. When they found Brittany, five miles down the canal, they said she had a big bump on her head, but she was dead. That's when it was apparent that Cindy had been hanging on to hope. She broke down fully.

At the moment, Cindy, Sylvia, Leasa, and Shari are gone to the morgue to identify the body. Nearly everyone at EVI spent the whole afternoon with Cindy and the emergency people. There were ladies among the police and medics sent especially to comfort Cindy. They expressed that they were surprised at the support Cindy rec'd from her community, and the spiritual impact it had on their hearts. One of the ladies, the one that appeared to be in charge broke down and said she will be forever changed because of what she witnessed today.

Who knows? God's ways are mysterious, but predictably good. I believe it with all my heart.

So says the Preacher to his Tribe.


  1. I don't know these people but tell them I am praying for them. I can't stop the tears. That is so terrible. I'm sorry!!!

  2. What a horrible tragedy. Praying for Cindy and EVI. Life is fragile.
